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Porsche Panamera Rental Miami, NYC

Level 1 Luxury
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Don't let Porsche Panamera Rental Miami's "Level 1 Luxury" ranking fool you, the Panamera is quick and sporty for it's size. It's plush leather interior will keep you comfortable on extended drives in and around the NYC and Miami Area. The Panamera is perfect for a night out in Miami Beach with plenty of room and all the extra add ons that make driving it enjoyable, including sunroof, GPS system and spacious seating. Pop the Panamera GTS into Sport Mode, and all of the sudden your family car has turned into a 430hp track monster with a 0-60mph time of 4.4 seconds. Upon startup the Panamera's V8 sounds more like an italian supercar and less like a Porsche.

Porsche Panamera Rental Miami is the perfect way to cruise the Miami streets, offering the power or a sports car and the comfort of a luxury sedan. Porsche has gone above and beyond the call of duty with the Panamera and we are proud to offer it at Veluxity as part of our exotic car rental fleet. To receive a quote or make a reservation simply click "Get A Quote" and our best in class account managers will reach out as soon as we receive the inquiry.

MSRP: $142,500
0-60 MPH: 4.4 Seconds
Engine: 4.8L V8
Transmission: 7 Speed Dual Clutch Automatic with Manual Mode